
Hi, I'm Anthony Sibary, welcome to my blog...having lived for almost 52 years now, I have plenty of life experiences to share with you all. I am married, have helped to raise two outstanding young adults and I live in Sydney, Australia. My passions and hobbies include, learning new languages, Voice Over and Voice Acting, listening, communicating well, cycling...yep you guessed it, the life of a Gemini! Where does he find the time? I hear you ask, actually I have no idea. Although the secret may lie in my star sign, who knows? I love being busy and yes I rarely sit still. Iā€™m currently developing my VO portfolio, looking for my next project and I have spent 24 years working as an emergency first responder, currently working as a Station Officer at a Fire & Rescue Station in Sydney. Thanks for stopping by, and I hope you enjoy the ride... the Original Sy.




This weblog at anthonysibary.com is the personal website of Anthony Sibary. Entries to this weblog represent my personal opinion. This site is not owned, operated, or affiliated with my employer.

Entries are copyright(c) Anthony Sibary, as of date of posting. You are welcome and encouraged to participate in the discussion on this site. Comments are owned by the poster. I reserve the right to remove anonymous postings. I also reserve the right to remove inflammatory or inappropriate comments.